Survival Kit
Survival Kit Attributes
- OEM - Made in Canada
- Standard configurations - Soft case valise (1 to 25 person)
- Operational configurations - Arctic, Desert, Jungle (1 to 10 person)
- Options:
- Hard case container
- Personal Locating Beacon
- Survival kit contents specific to rated number of persons
- Customizable to client requirements
- 3 year serviceability
- Exceeds CARs requirements
- Re-certification at Capital Survival Ltd.
- Hard case container
- Nanuk manufacturer
- Made in Canada, dust proof, waterproof/submersible
- Shock absorbent, stay-open lid technology,
- Power Claw latching system, stainless steel hardware,
- Soft grip handle, tiedown eyelets
- Valise container
- Constructed with Herculite material
- Ultra-violet light resistant, flame resistant, waterproof
- Tear resistant, abrasion resistant, mildew resistant

Survival Kits Specifications
Learn what's in each type of kit and each element's specifications. View PDF
Standard Operations
- Coffee
- Tea
- Salt
- Sugar
- Soup
- Mess Kits
- Note Book/Pencil
- Playing Cards
- Knife Sharpener
- Compass
- Soap
- Signal Mirror
- Bear Alert
- Snare Wire
- Duct Tape
- Tin Foil/Scrub Pad
- Fishing Kit
- Whistles
- Wind/Waterproof Matches
- First Aid Kit
- Acetaminophen
- Food Rations
- Electronic Laser Flare
- Flashlight/Spare Batteries
- Water Purifier Tablets
- Water Pouch
- Plastic Bags
- Plastic Tie Wraps
- Cutlery Sets
- Mosquito Head Nets
- Drinking Cups
- Ponchos
- Candles
- Cord
- Fish Net
- Toilet Tissue
- Trail Tape
- Insect Repellent
- Fire Starter
- Work Gloves
- Knife
- Multi-Tool
- Saw
- Stove
- Survival Manual
- Tarp
- Ground Sheet
- Plastic Container
- Foam Inner Casing
- Outer Container
- Contents List
- Utility Knife
Desert Operations Kit includes all items in the Standard Kit
- + Foldable Shovel
- + Smoke Flares
- + Lip Balm
- + Mesh Enclosure
- + Snake Bite Kit
- + Sand Goggles
- + Sun Hats
- + Bandanas
- + Water Sachets
Jungle Operations Kit includes all items in the Standard Kit
- +Foldable Shovel
- +Smoke Flares
- +Bug Jackets
- +Bug Pants
- +Mesh Enclosures
- +Snake Bite Kit
- +Machete
Arctic Operations Kit includes all items in the Standard kit
- + Foldable Shovel
- + Smoke Flares
- + Lip Balm
- + Axe
- + Hand Warmers
- + Foot Warmers
*Foreign clients please contact for pricing/shipping quotes.